Read through this tutorial for replacing the screen inverter...
its not quite the same Acer model you have but they are all much of a muchness...also screen inverter board available for your laptop here
Most laptops...if not all have a back light but its more likely to be the inverter board that's packed up. What model of acer do you have ?
Mike, December 2009
Thanks, does this unit have a backlight, and if so, can this be the problem?
Clif, December 2009
it would appear that the inverter has died in the laptop. u need to buy a new inverter - but fitting it can be tricky. most inverters are in the screen part of the laptop.
andy B, December 2009
The screen inverter has packed up...this is a fairly common problem with laptops...its a fairly straight forward fix if you know what you are doing...inverters can be had cheaply on ebay...or once you have a replacement inverter you could take it to a local repair place...