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How can i remove dial to my Simpson Riviera 715 model no: 22B715S*02?

The whole machine works great except the dial.

To turn the wash indicator, I have to apply a lot of pressure otherwise the dial just slips.

I have removed the top cap of the dial easily enough but the full dial is very difficult to remove.
Stuart, April 2006
I had to smash the dial apart (using a pair of tin snips and pulling the bits away with long nose pliers) making sure that I didn't break any of the assembly underneath.

Then I removed the d-washer (the dark one) by pushing it to the side being careful not to let the spring fly out.

The whole assembly then slid out easily and I saw the the teeth on both the dial and the receiver are worn (brittle plastic after ten years of operating I guess).

I hope this helps if you come across the same problem.

Stuart, April 2006
link Click here to see other fixes for Simpson.