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alot of static coming from our home?

can anyone help my house is full off static i mean really bad everyone in the house is even affected my wasing machine i noticed the aggitators have been loose an now they have come off could it be anything too do with this /if this makes any sense tried a humidifier still doesnt help could my washing have caused the problem as this has happened after this please help!
mrs christine mcculloch, January 2010
Static builds up on our bodies as the materials of our clothes separate from chair seats and floor coverings - we're generally not aware of it but it's nearly always there - I have heard it said that you will not notice a static discharge below about 5,000V.

In the summer the warm air can hold much more moisture so less static is generated and it discharges easier - in the winter when the air is naturally more dry static builds up and is more noticeable.

Leather soles on shoes and slippers will help as will spraying carpets with a mild solution of water and washing up liquid.

Man made fibres on furniture, clothes and flooring coupled with dry air all contribute to your static problem.

Good luck...

Peccavi, January 2010