I thought they only moved down when the tailgate was open?
This is because when the tailgate is closed quickly the air pressure in the cabin was blowing the windows out.
Do your windows drop with the tailgate open?
redfred, January 2010
I don't think Lesley means that. I believe those cars have a sensor built into the door handle which operate the window motor to move the glass down a fraction when you open/close the door. It closes again automatically afterwards.
I don't know the mechanism, but I would suspect the sensor.
ChicksFan, January 2010
if electric , then wiring may be faulty where it passes from door pillar to door [will be covered by a fairly large grommet], if manual, it could be check arm catching door glass [strap tends to straighten with a lot of use]
k, January 2010
im guessing they working fine when dooor is closed.
could be a breakage in the wire or loose connection.