you will not be able to do it yourself as the insurance company will want a copy of the fitting sheet i have one loads of them,they are from a company called
f1 international,they research the amount of bhp that the engine makes and restrict it until it is at 33 bhp then manufacture a pair of washers put them in a blister pack give you about 5 copies of a fitting sheet in different colours and charge a dealer £90 !the retail is as bb said .This is how MOST of them are done ,a few bikes have different needles for the carbs and plastic tubes to restrict slide movement also some have washers put in the exhausts like the xv535 but your will have the inlet manifold washers.but any insurance company will ask for the proof and will not let you make your own as you would need proof that its only 33 bhp f1 international have really got this sewn up and make a fortune selling washers and paper.sorry to tell you that its a bummer.
adam bike doctor, February 2010