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replace a scandinova DF902ssa small oven bottom element?

the bottom element on the small oven has gone, i have removed the back of the cooker and can see where the element is located but how/where do you get in to remove the element its self ?
turneredge, February 2010
I've had the same failure. I'm not a profesional or expert so don't take this as the correct way of doing it, but this is what i have done. You need to take off the r/h side of the cooker, which means taking the top off, loosen the front dials panel, to access all the side panel screws. Undo the x2 screws at the bottom / front of the oven. There is a try under the over secured by x3 screws behind the rear panel, this needs to be lowered to gain access to element. I hope this helps

Jim, February 2010