What size nut is required for a Peugeot 206 rear wiper arm?
Can anyone tell me what size nut I need to use when replacing the complete rear wiper for a Peugeot 206 (1999). Someone stole mine and all that is left is the bolt sticking out - even the nut went! I have a replacement arm and wiper but no new nut so I need to get one in the correct size. Thanks.
OK thanks. I really don't have much idea about this sort of thing or what 'thread size/pitch type' is... I'll go along to the yard and see what they can do for me. Thank you.
nelly1880, February 2010
it ain't the nut size what you need to know is the thread size/pitch type, pop down your local breakers yard, explain the problem, more than likely will give you the nut for free.