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toggle switch instalment?

ok the question i had was about my generator, this is a shot in the dark ,it wont start ,trouble shootings over the switch is the problem! I want to start it and then be able to shut it off, the electrical plugs will make electricity, so that handles itself as far as plugging in power tools n what have you ,direct from the generator itself, to serve its purpose!! if i could just get it running like i made clear last time, it wants to run but it has no turn on or turn off switch, i aint no genious but ,i think it may be possible to over ride the whole issue toward the wire n toggle all together. needless to express its a ten horse pwr engine 5000 watts, when i got it, the kill switch or turn off switch was missing, my friend told me after giving it to me, thats all it needed, A TOGGLE SWITCH ! to make it run,so transparently and obviously it wont start unless the toggle switch is installed ,can i over ride this or does it actually n factually need a turn on turn off toggle switch ???? ime not familiar with this process, i need insight and instruction, simplified comprehensible applicational instruction,i got a responce from : MR. husqavarny man, thanx for trying my bruthah , is my question trans#loosant now? by the way i bought a round singular 2 pronged toggle switch and i just need your expertise MR. husqeey, sorry i was sooo unclear in my explination the first time around, no one wants to sound like a mental deficient ignoramous, LOL, do i atleast get an A PLUS for effort? ya gatta admitt atleast i sounded like i was large n in charge! lol. hey thanx again MR. husqee, and oh yeah i digg this site. ive been known to throw some info to others here too.i know this job is real easy once i figure it out and some guys are probly laughing at my question but check this out alot of guys cant fix stuff like i do,now thats funny.. ALoha ka ko and ina mele kaliki BO BO the weathers off the hizzle in my part of town. ime OUTY!!! island mon, Lordhavemercy!! david micheal sheffield engine dynimo extroadinare and hawaiis saxy man of the mallinium chow bay la, say la vee, arr riva darchee,monyana,!!!!!!!!!! lol
david micheal sheffield engine dynamo extraodinario, February 2010
Not an easy read...

A "Kill Switch" will either need to ground a wire or remove the wire from ground to kill an engine.

Now if you think about it for a moment, the wire to the kill switch may become open circuit - broken due to damage - so a kill-switch that connects to ground will never work if the wire to it becomes broken. You would not be able to kill the engine - which is a bad thing.

Only by having the kill-wire grounded to allow the engine to run can a kill switch be relied upon. Broken wire or operating the switch - either will kill the engine...

So - the kill wire needs to be attached to ground - the frame of the machine - for the engine to work.

As an experiment just fix the wire to the metal body - tape or screw etc and give it a try. Forget the switch for the time being.

Good luck - and next time stick to the point of your question - nobody cares how cool you are or that you generator is 5kW - you really must improve your communication skills if you want to be a success in business - what would a bank make of a letter written like your megga questions?

Peccavi, February 2010