Just to help a bit, the Modern Security Systems Series 3200 is a re-badged Scantronic 9800, I would be very surprised if you were able to find the Series 3200 manual, so look for the 9800.
By the way there is not an R1 error code for this panel, look again.
Have a look below, upper and lower case are important -
c1 to 8 Detector circuit open.
t1 to 8 Circuit tamper open.
o1 to 8 Detector circuit omitted (isolated).
E1 to 8 Entry via a detector circuit.
S1 to 8 Detector circuit on Soak test.
EA Alarm on entry
EF Exit fault
bF Control panel battery fault
PF Mains supply failure.
Sr System reset (Total power failure).
AP Aux. (Detector) power failure.
Lb Control panel low battery.
rt Illegal use of keypad (excess number of keypresses).
rP Remote keypad missing.
rr Total power failure (engineer reset required).
u1 to u9 User access number (U5 = Duress, U9 = Keyswitch)
AE Access Engineer
AA Arm area A (Full set).
Ab Arm area B (Part set).
Ac Arm area C (Part set)
Lt Control panel tamper.
tr External bell tamper.
cF Communications failure (External signalling).
LF Telephone line fault.
cc Communications completed successfully.
Post here again, let's see if we can help some more.
acorn, February 2010