does the spark dissapear when it gets hot?if it does then the primary ignition coil is more than likley faulty,you need to see if its sparking after it has cut out.are you sure its not parially seizing up?does the ickstart feel stiff just after it has stopped?these sendas suffer from the thermostat sticking and then boil up and seize or blow the waterpump seals and push all the water into the gearbox and turn the oil to mayonaise (really called emulisfied oil)if i ever have a senda i always take the thermostat out and throw it in the bin they dont need one.its on the head next to the spark plug ,take the big water hose off the head and undo the big brass nut and under it there is the thermostat take it out and just put the pipe back on leave the brass nut off to it just restricts the water me im a bike doctor :)
adam bike doctor, February 2010