I have exact same problem. Started yesterday, engine cut out, restarted a couple of times then cut out altogether. Had to get towed home. Googled the problem, found this article (and a few other websites too gave this same answer). Took the ecu off the back of the engine this morning, sure enough the soldering at the centre of the board was dry jointed and burnt the surrounding board. So i soldered a wire across the broken joint, put the thing back in the car. After a couple of attempts (by which time my heart had sunken again!), the engine fired up and has been running absolutely fine since. Took it on about 80 mile test run today and stopped the engine a few times to see woould it re-start and it has been giving no problems at all. So... THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this article!! The garage told me yesterday that it would cost €700 for a new pump + €300 labour + VAT!! And could not guarantee that would fix it, said the diagnostics aslo said possible ECU failure too. Early symptoms (I think) were an intermittant misfire, as if the engine cut out for about half a second, quite randomly, seemed to increase in regularity, until it did keep cutting out altogether. All seems well so far, only €160 down for the tow back home yesterday instead of a possible grand or more.
So thanks again - have faith all out there!!
Carl, Ireland, August 2010