if i was doing it i would firstly hit the end of the nipple with a hammer to shock it,then i would heat the caliper where the bleed nipple goes into it NOT the nipple itself,then try to undo it but move it very slowly undone and then back up again and keep doing that until you are able to get it further and further out,i would not use an easy out they break and get tighter as you put them in as they are tapered and when they break there is no drilling them out. in my opinion they are the worse tool ever invented and i tell the snap on man that if he ever tries to sell me some.also i would not suggest drilling it out if you can help it as the seat of the needle is very easy to damage with a drill and if you just nick it the new nipple will never seal in the hole as its matched with the angle of the seat.if you do end up having to drill it then the best thing to do is to drill it right out to 8mm and use an 8mm helicoil or drill it to 7mm and tap it to 8mm and then get a smallish ball bearing 6mm ish and pop it in the hole and then hit it with a punch once then get a bolt and do it up in the hole against the ball bearing this will be fluid tight and also you can still bleed it by undoing the bolt ,its an old but good trick and is much better then risking ruining the caliper with easy outs.i have dont it thsi way on lots of occasions and it always works but ....try and get the old one out first as i have explained.
adam bike doctor, February 2010