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No steam on Laurastar G4?

Turned my G4 on heating up next minute, beeping then a pop, turned the system off and there was a smell like a burning smell. Boiler was very hot. Waited for it to cool, and found that there wasn't any steam actually coming from iron. The system had plenty of water.
Janet, March 2010
I have the same problem too.
My Iron is 3 years old and this is the second fault.
I am a single person household so it is lucky if it sees 2 hours of work a month!
Unimpressed for a £400 iron.

When the switch broke I contacted customerservices(AT)solarzoneuk(DOT)co(DOT)uk who, because I did not have a proof of receipt charged me £70 for the repair and 'service' - both of which were only valid for 3 months.

I am trying to contact them again.

Under the Consumer Good act, we are entitled to "For up to six years after purchase (five years from discovery in Scotland) purchasers can demand damages (which a court would equate to the cost of a repair or replacement)." Given the cost of the iron it is not unreasonable to expect it to last longer than 3 years!

Failing that if anyone knows of a good Iron repair person please let me know!

JC, January 2011
I have exactly th same problem.
Have been searching and so far have not found any way to fix it my self.

Tom, January 2011