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Stalling every couple rounds ?

My murray 46581x92a is dying instantly every couple rounds around the yard,seems you let it cool a minute and it starts again for a couple rounds ,runs good when running ,doesnt act like running out of gas ,I have been through the fuel system multiple times and convinced it is something else ,any ideas and how to check..the engine is a briggs and stratton model 313777..can anyone help,ohh ,does seem to be firing at plug though
john, March 2010
Make sure you have the right spark plug: briggs and stratton #491055s or equivalent

If you havent done so: A 100% carb rebuild (all seals and gaskets) and replace fuel filter(could be vapor locking)

If that doesn't do it, you may have a vacum leak, a bad head gasket possibly

That's all i can think of for right now. I'll get back to you a little later with more.

Art, March 2010
riding mower ,engine #s,model-313777.....type 0134-e1....code 0002252E

john, March 2010
You could have these 1 or more issues.
Your valve breather may be clogged.
Wrong spark plug installed.
Bad fuel.
Electrical issue.

I am not familiar with the model of murray. Is it walk behind or ride.

Also, I would need all the engine numbers to troubleshoot it more accurately

Art, March 2010
link Click here to see other fixes for Murray.