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fuel leaking?

i have fuel leaking from the top vent of my carburetors
jerome brewer, March 2010
The reason its leaking will be one of the following.
1,the float needle is not seating in the needle seat due to dirt.debris(most common cause)
2,the float needle or seat is worn and not mating together properly when they are pressed together as the float rises on top of the fuel level
3,the float height it wrong and needs re adjusting(depending if the float has a metal needle tag)
4,the float has a leak like a split in it and is full of fuel which makes it lose its bouyancy.
5,the float needle is stuck maybe with corrosion or debris
6,the float needle seats oring is out of shape or deteriorated(not all have a removable needle seat)

if you take the float bowl off is there a internal pipe from the bottom coming upwards as they usually have this and it should come out from here before coming from the top overflow pipes.

adam bike doctor, March 2010
faulty float chamber or float gasket/seal

steray, March 2010