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Usb memory stick, end broken off!?

I have a Maxell 8gb jelly memory stick

the end which goes in the port has clean broken off, it wasnt connected well in the first place really.

Its not bent at all, its just clean snapped off at the connecting points...

It even kind of connects when you push it in the right way, So i think it just needs to be connected again? What can I do to fix it? I have important college files on there?

Please help!
Donna, March 2010
1. Try to get it working and copy all the information somewhere else first - the following might destroy it!

OR 1. Try to get it working and put the information on a new pendrive and throw the old one away.

2. Find an electronics or model enthusiast with a soldering iron. Persuade them to try to, VERY CAREFULLY, with a heat shunt (eg. a pair of pliers crimped onto the connections to remove excess heat), re-solder the connections.

3. Be aware that there is no guarantee that, if it shorts out when you plug it in, it might cost you a USB port, so don't plug it straight into a laptop (less replaceable) without trying it out on another computer first.

E F Davey, March 2010