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Singer Professional 2010 and feed dogs?

I put the feed dogs down to do stippling with the embroidery foot and the feed dogs pop back up on their own. I do not touch the handle, I just keep sewing as normal, with the fool lever down and just keep going. But after two days of it being ok, now they pop back up on their own. Why is this happening? The lever slides itself back to the other side.
Also, the embroidery foot that came with it, made a huge gauge in the metal pin that holds the needle tightening screw, it rubbed on it and now there is a groove. I am using a foot that came with my singer futura and it works better, but why? But the feed dog issue is driving me nuts!
Nancy, March 2010
I hold my finger to the up/down lever and sew, and I can feel it slowly work its way to the other side and the feed dogs pop up. Nothing seems to be loose.
and now, needles are breaking like crazy.

Nancy, March 2010
hello nancy,
There is no real reason why the feed dogs should come back up on their own more likely to drop down on their own, check underneath to make sure a screw has not worked loose.

drivewithken, March 2010
link Click here to see other fixes for Singer.