How do I repair the fuel line on my JD310A?

I have a John Deere 310A Backhoe/Loader. The small rubber hoses between the fuel line compression fittings needed to be replaced so I went to Car Quest, bought hoses and replaced them. Now they pop off when the tractor is running. Did I do something wrong? Is there a special type of hose? Can I clamp the ends? Please help this farm gal get her backhoe running.
farmgal, April 2006

Thanks Chevy529. I think the hoses are attached to a compression fitting, so does that make it the pressure side? Can I get a hose from any tractor dealer? I live about 2.5 hours from a JD dealer. Would it help if I adjusted the compression fitting nut?

farmgal, April 2006
It depends. Many times the use of rubber hose is on the return side of the pump, much less pressure, and they are just "normal" fuel hose. If they are on the pressure side of your pump then you will need to get the proper hose, preferably from the dealer. You can try using a band clamp. But get the spring loaded ones as they dont deform the rubber hose when tight

chevy529, April 2006
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