I assume there is an audible click from the vicinity of the starter ? first things first remove battery terminals and clean and refit also make sure the battery is well charged (do all the dash lights dull as you turn the start switch if so batt is down) if still no better check the security and cleanliness of the smallest wire onto the starter it will probably be on its own just next to the big one from the battery (make sure that is tight too) if all this fails then the starter solenoid is likely worn out and the starter will have to be changed out be aware though that if the vehicle is aging the fault could also be in the ignition switchthis will require some knowledge to be able to verify ie bypass it (batt positive straight onto the small terminal previously mentioned on the starter but stand clear and be certain van not in gear keep all clothing clear of engine and remove all jewelery before attempting this BE CAREFULL DONT RUSH AND REMOVE THE IGNITION KEY TO PREVENT THE VAN FROM STARTING WITH YOU UNDER THE BONNET
diesel, March 2010