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speedfight 2 100cc crankshaft?

how do i take out the crankshaft of my speedfight 2 100cc?
Guy, April 2010
miggie you dont need to take the engine right out it can be done by leaving the left hand crankcase in situ as i have done it loads of times,you just need to make sure you pull the engine mounting bolt out enough and also undo the stand nuts on the right hand crankcase and then move the engine over once you have undone the rear shock a will just save him from taking the rear brake/ cables and pipes ect off.

adam bike doctor, April 2010
this is a full engein strip start by taking the engein out of the frame then you will need to take the engein plastics of then remove 4 nuts next to spark plug to release the piston barrel remove the piston barrel and then you will see the piston look at the side ov it and push the spaser out that goes through it. now you will need to remove the fly weel what the cooling fan sits on if air cooled now you will need to get a extractor bar you can get these from most motor bike shops put the extractor bar in the thred on the fly weel and turn it to remove once you hav removed it you need to undoo the nuts behind the fly weel to split the engein in half. to split the engein in half you need a hardish rubber mallet to split it apart once you hav done this then its just a mater of making sure the nut is on your crank shaft on the side were your drive belt goes but make sure drive belt and varriator or of first then just tap on the end of the nut untill the crankshaft pops out. note b e carfull when putting back togever for oil seel moving . good look

miggie, April 2010
link Click here to see other fixes for Speedfight 2.