yes adam it has a chinese siamese twin, i have seen it in the flesh. its just like the sachs that 3x import they do a speedforce and sx1 they are both chinese with sachs stickers on made in the same factory and imported here but twice the price, they use 2 different engines in them fyb and now a chinese one, peugeot just badge the vclic up , and sell it on the basis that is a 2 year warranty, same old crap though give it 500 kms and the tappet clearances will go tight as a nuns chuff etc... back on the subject of the sum up they are a big pile of shat, one thing ii forgot to tell you all was that (not official) but the liner coatings in the barrell have a tendency to flake off therefore you guessed it the rings catch and the bike starts to smoke and use oil like its going out of fashion(shhhhh i didnt tell you that) peugeot are getting involved with sym and the new models which arent yet out( i have seen them) is a sym with 16 inch wheels but with a pug badge on it, they buy direct from them. my workshop has 7 franchises and the best by far both reliability and quality is sym or san yang as we know it. just had my new fancy console delivered for the fuel injected bikes and the quality of that alone shits all over the peugeot and piaggio ones i have!
m, April 2010