I have a Scrantonic 9800 alarm sistem. It goes off when it is not set and it shows bf on the pannell when i re set it it shows lb. Is this telling me that the battery is low? what battery do I need and where can I get one?
I get sick to death of the SAME QUESTIONS, OVER & OVER & OVER AGAIN, that's why.
There is a SEARCH facility at the top of the page, that no-one uses.
acorn, May 2010
Acorn get real you know it is a low batt and batt fault.
OP you can buy one from Maplins
12VDC 7AH is what you need.
If you are unsure about doing this call an engineer. Remember there are high voltages inside the panel.
Alarm Engineer, May 2010
There are NO codes on a Scantronic 9800 as you have shown.
Upper & Lower case is always important to get the correct meaning of the display
Below you will find the Fault Codes for this panel
The left hand column shows the codes that appear on a keypad display.
Keypad Meaning
AA - Arm area A (full set)
Ab - Arm area B (part set)
Ac - Arm area C (part set)
AE - Installer access
AP - Auxiliary power failure
bF - Battery fault
c1 to c8 - Zone violation
cc - Communication successful
cF - Communications failure
E1 to E8 - Entry via zone circuit
EA - Entry alarm
EF - Exit fault
Lb - Low battery
Lf - Telephone line failure
Lt - End station lid tamper
o1 to o8 - Zone omitted
PF - Mains power failure
r1 to r4 - Remote keypad back tamper
rP - Remote keypad missing
rr - Installer reset required
rt - Remote keypad excess key presses tamper
S1 to S8 - Zone soak Test
Sr - System reset (total power failure)
t1 to t8 - Zone tamper violation
tr - Tamper return fault
u1 to u9 - Access user (u5 = Duress, u9 = keyswitch)