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Speedfight 2, 100cc, X Reg, no spark?


My bike will not spark, I have changed the coil the spark plug and the lead. I have also fitted a new regulator rectifier but still no spark. I have been told that it may be the immobiliser. The immobiliser light is flashing like it is working and I have tried to reprogramme it but still no spark. When I turn the key the immobiliser stays lit for 3 seconds then goes out. Have i missed something or do you think the immobiliser is gone? Help please, I am at my wits end and completely fed up with it.
Keith, May 2006
it the wiring behind the lock as moved off are cdi not work or try it with out the green wiring goin 2 the battery

speedfight man2k9, March 2009
hi m8 i have a probs with my cdi unit on my peugeot speedfight 2. The immobiliser u can get a hybrid version of the cdi unit now wich doesent have the immobiliser on it u dont need to change locks or keys just fit cdi unit and start with key u have no need to program it if u type in on search bar in orange home page.......peugeot speedfight cdi unit........it will list two companies that make it one in north west and one near london price around £98 much better than the £300+ from peugeot dealers good luck m8.

ben, January 2007
I had the same .cdi unit was fried.Got a cheap replacement ,just look up scooter breakers thers a free search on offer

davie, May 2006
link Click here to see other fixes for Speedfight 2.