plug gap is extremely important especially if you want bike to run properley, the numbers on the plug are what define wether you put a hole in your piston or not, and ulimately wreck your engine, the actual number on the plug is the heat range and this is very important, the other numbers define thread length etc
Always check that the spark plug gap is compatible with the engine manufacturers specification. A gap that is too small means that the spark duration will be very quick and the spark will be thin and weak. The consequences of this may be bad starting and high exhaust emission levels. This will result in an increase in fuel consumption. If the gap is set too large, the ignition system will not be able to cope with the demands and a misfire situation will occur. Some wide gap spark plugs have a longer ground electrode to accommodate a wide gap setting. These must be used where specified, as opening up a standard plug to a wider gap setting may result in the electrodes not running parallel to each other. This could result in abnormal and premature electrode wear.
m, June 2010