Paykel and Fisher gw708u, no spin and problems running water?
My Paykel and FIsher gw708u refuses to fill itself with water, it rather start-stops, starts-stops and then stops, until it finally beeps and long wash and short wash are blinking.
Also, I cant run the spin at all when i try to drain the very limited water inside. I have run the diagnostics but i cant encode it. Hope someone can help
0000 0000
0000 0000
1000 1000
0000 0001
1011 0011
0001 0011
0000 0111
0001 1110 (spin button blink)
1011 0011
0001 0011
1111 1111
0000 1100 (spin and second last blink)
0010 0100
0100 0110
0001 0100
Robert Jacob, June 2010