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How can I fix my LandXcape strimmer?

I have a Landxcape 34cc petrol strimmer which has recently started to play up . symptoms , starts but cuts out when you turn the choke off , a bit like fuel starvation any ideas on setting the mixture screw ?
Willie B, June 2010
I have a 34cc grass trimmer!! I tripped it down and found that the piston ring broken, how can i find a replacement...

Cybog, June 2014
i have a patrol strimmer make Landxcape 34cc sg734x. i lost spark,t know ware i buy the spark plug.

p.kumar from Leicester, February 2011
just fixed 1 for my brother, i took plug out & cleaned it up, took air filter washed it out, when it starts let it run a couple of mins to warm up before u pull trigger. the scew is for the ideling if it tick over ok then it does not need ajusting. ps it is more likley u are flooding it, as the choke is on then pulling trigger lets even more fuel through.

trev, June 2010