Here goes, Unplug the appliance!! Remove the 2 tabs at the front side of the lid to reveal the torx screws, using the correct size torx bit remove the screws & lift the lid about an inch at the front then slide back.
Remove the top concrete counter balance weight & dispenser then undo the 3 screws in the console behind where the dispenser fits, pull the console away about an inch on the left hand side & slide it to the right & just let it hang down by the wires.
Prise the door seal retaining band off & undo the 2 door lock screws & push the door lock in the cabinet.
Pull off the kick strip & undo the 2 screws behind that secure the front plate to the cabinet & the 2 screws at the top of the front plate that secure it to the console backplate. Slide the front plate up & pull away from cabinet.
Snip the 2 tie wraps that hold the wiring loom on the bottom right hand side of the drum & push the clips off securing the wiring on the right hand side of the cabinet.
Remove the lower counter balance weight.
Undo the screws on the console back plate & hang the whole assembly over the back of the cabinet just leave it hanging on the wires, it will be ok.
Undo the jubilee clip on the dispenser hose on the drum & hang it over the back.
Undo the drum outlet pipe & remove the 2 suspension pegs underneath, these have a locking tab behind, push it in & pull on the peg at the same time.
Un-hook the springs from the drum & lay the drum on it's front in front of the cabinet. Snip any tie wraps securing wiring to drum & pull of the heater connections.
Undo the 2 motor bolts & remove motor.
Undo the torx screws securing the 2 halves of the drum & prise them apart, undo the drum pulley bolt & remove pulley.
Using a heavy mallet knock the drum support where the pulley bolt was until the inner drum pops out.
There are 2 sizes of bearing for this model, you can now measure them & obtain the correct size either 30mm or 35mm.
Using the mallet & a suitable sturdy metal bar or drift knock the bearings out, keep knocking around all sides of the bearing to ensure it comes out square or you'll struggle. Knock the new bearings in & fit bearing seal. Re-assemble appliance in reverse to the above.
Good luck!! Any questions let me know.
The washer man, July 2010