How I did mine.
Tube Black gutter masti
Tube White general purpose external sealant
Tube of Clear external sealant .
Mastic gun.
White spirit.
Water pot tin can whatever this is to wet your finger when running it along beading to flaten, stops drag and it sticking to finger.
Rag or tissue roll.
First use hot air gun low heat and dried out the wood upprights. Then proceeded as below.
cut 1/2 inch off nozzle and lift the rubber [outside of course] apply mastic. if rubber strip off it will be farely easy clean any excess oozing out with wihite sprit.
It's worth checking the chanel the window fits on clean edges where it meets the body and re-seal with white mastic. Check all other ally strips, and clear seal the black 'screw cover' strip in the ally strips again but gently wiping off surplus.
Bob, August 2010