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Speedfight 2 moped 100cc changed from standard exhaust to a doppler S3r?

ok i recently bought my self a doppler S3R exhaust so i changed it over and also rejetted my carb and i used some new rollers that they gave me with the exhaust but after doing all of this my moped now hits ful revs at about 20 mph but before it was topping revs out at about 50mph now it does eventually get to 50mph but it takes along time i have basically lost all the acceleration i had with my standard exhaust and im really stuck on what to do :/ please if someone could give me some pointers


Edit: ok so i put the old rollers back in and it does set off better but the speed and power is just no there im lucky to get 30 mph out of it i also deristricted the exhaust still no luck so i set off home from my mums house got half way there and it made a clunk and just simply cut out so then every time it fired up i get 100 meters down the road and cuts out again so im just stuck now any ideas

p.s i also checked everything and nothing is warn Sad
Jamie Shaw, August 2010
like adam noise is strange but you need to tell us what size dell orto mainjet you are using as this will have a dramatic effect on your speed and acceleration

m, August 2010
mmmmmmmwell not sure about your clunking noise as its a bit vague on yoour description of that but i would say that the new rollers are too heavy still,its ounds like the transmission is gearing up and stopping the engine from revving and creating the rigth amount of back pressure that it needs to make it work with the new free flowing exhaust,try this and see what happens,take out the new rollers and put back 3 of the old ones in a triangle arrangment,see if it p[icks up better then.also i what are the new jet sizes you have used and what were the old sizes?

adam bike doctor, August 2010
link Click here to see other fixes for Speedfight 2.