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My macculoch 210 strimmer (petrol) will not start/?

I have checked: filter, washed out petrpl tank, checked brass filter in cap. There is clearly a blockage somewhere. The most noticeable thing is that when trying to prime the carb the plastic primer remained dented and does not resume its domed shape. If I loosen one of the screws holding the plastic primer in place - there is a hissing sound of air rushing somewhere. Primer cap gets back to its normal shape. However next try , no fuel goes to carb. I had the engine running for a few seconds but it did not continue. Electrical side seems OK. Have you had anything like this in your experience. Help appreciated.
Mike Cannon, August 2010
Its obviously fuel starvation, are you sure the filter in the tank is clear? if so the blokage may well be in the screen in the carb under the pump cover,reomve the primer bulb screws to acess , even though it may look clean replace it, some of the early screens were were not very porus

Husqvarna man, August 2010