they can be tight,put the bike in 5thgear ,have someone sit on it and pressing hard on the rear will wind up the suspension but should go,use a piece of longer tubing over your bar,Are you turning it in the right direction??? Stator side is CLOCKWISE to undo not the usual anticlockwise,if it still wont budge (which it should) you will have to use a windy gun to remove,when removing the stator be sure to mark it before you take it off,a little bit of tipex or white paint,mark the stator and crankcase so you can put it back where it came off,also the seal will be tight and you dont wont to damage the crank caseso this is what i do when replacing crank seals, drill or tap a very small hole into the centre of the seal,the seal is steel unerneith so you need something sharp and strong,screw in a self tapper (dont worry about damaging the bearing there will be enough room behind the seal,and then pull on the self tapper with some pliers or grips,hope this helps
mikec, September 2010