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leaking windscreen 1997 ford galaxy?

my ford galaxy windscreen leaks just above drivers sun visor and drips on to stearing column and soaks drivers carpet only happens wen car is standing in heavy rain it does not appear to happen when driving in the rain any help please,THANKS
paul s, September 2010
Hi all I work for a u.k based windscreen company and see this problem all the time, when the screen is bonded to the appiture all is good, then comes the part where you have to re attach the stereo antenna, through doing this you end up breaking the seal on the bond! easiest way to fix it is to pull back the head lining, locate the antenna and then apply a small bead of bond to fill the gaps test with a bucket of water and all should be good!

the other way to locate the antenna is to remove the internal light where you will then see the cable.

i hope this will help

Will, September 2010
has it got a sunroof by any chance as there are some drain channels go from there and come off inside the roof lining
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Steve, September 2010
link Click here to see other fixes for Ford Galaxy.