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changing belt on hotpoint TL52 tumble dryer?

how do i change the belt on my tumble dryer hotpoint model TL52. can I get instructions on how to do it from the net?
vicki moncaster, February 2004
how do i change drive belt on beko condensor dryer

s bennett, September 2010
I read the above info it was a great help. successfully changed belt. One wound puncture to thumb.Thanks

David H, November 2009
Having had exactly the same problem, I also undid all the screws holding the back on and came to the conclusion that it was a difficult proposition! My partner suggested looking on the web and we came across this guide. Seemed even more complicated and barbaric so went back to the back. Actually, it's not particularly complicated at all and this is how it goes.

Undo the two top plate fixing screws at the back and slide the top backwards to release it from the front "keyhole" fixing pins. Now undo the screws holding the central rear cover to reveal the cables and the fan. Undo the fan blade from the motor (3 set screws). Undo the two screws that hold the extractor tube in place and withdraw the plastic tube (4" dia or so) that runs the depth of the machine. This allows access to the motor, now place a suitable spacer in between the motor and the drum to support the drum when the rear bearing is removed. Undo all the screws holding the back cover in place. Undo the two screws holding the brass earthing strap that contacts with the center of the drum and then remove the locking wire that locates the rear bearing thrust washer and slide off the washer. The phosphor bronze bearing may be taken out now or with the rear cover. It may be possible to swing the back cover around without removing any wires, but to avoid damage I disconnected the five wires that pass through the cover, first making a note of which conect to which and where! Two wires have plastic covers that are held closed with two snap type connectors on the side, a small scewdriver will eventually tease them apart. Once the cover is off then the new belt can be fited over the drum. To get it to the front of the motor you will need to swap support blocks over to avoid putting any strain on the front drum bearings. Getting the belt onto the motor spindle is a bit of a fiddle but eventually achieved by pulling the tensioning rollers apart (note that the belt runs inside these, so the press against the outside of the belt). Once it is on the end of the spidle, applying longitudinal pressure on the belt whilst rotating the motor spindle slowly from the outward end will let the belt move into place - like putting on a bike chain, but be carefull that the support block doesnt fall out as the drum rotates. Remember to have the grooved side of the belt inwards and get it sitting properly in the reduced diameter section of the spindle (which has matching grooves) get the belt aligned corectly on the drum. Refit the back cover, ensuring the wires, if removed, are all passing through the hole. Fit the phoshor bearing - rotate it 90 degrees if a bit worn, thrust washer and locking wire. Remove the drum support and replace the plasic extractor tube - this is a bit fiddly, but it must be correctly fitted at the front. Refit the fan, reconnect wires, drum earth strap and everything else. No cut hands, no broken plastic! Pretty easy and should only take an hour or so.

JMMM, September 2008
Model hotpoint TL21

Thanks !!!!! I had undone all the screws at the back and was thinking "this is not going to work" Thought I would try a long shot and try the web.
Hammer and punch worked on the plastic lugs so the front can go back properly. I undid the sensor on the left at the bottom along with the plate that goes across the width at the bottom. I could then fit the belt to the motor as well from the front.

Flounder, March 2004
I’ve finally changed the belt on my Hotpoint tumble dryer, and two stitches and several losses of temper later, here is how I did it. The trick is to open the front of the machine. Disconnect it from the power supply first. There are two screws behind the dial on he front plastic control panel, just pull the dial out. Having removed these you need to remove the front panel itself. Take off the top cover of the machine. There is a metal strip behind the front plastic control panel with plastic lugs sticking through it. Some of these lugs have metal rings on which is whats keeping the front panel in place. I tried removing the rings with a screwdriver, it slipped and my hand smashed into the top lip of the metal panel (hence the stitches!). 2 days later I tried again. There probably is a tool to remove these rings or perhaps you could just hammer the plastic lugs through, but I just broke off the plastic lugs. The front panel is now loose. There are two screws that need to be removed and the front of the machine can now be tilted forward, allowing enough space to slip the belt over the drum. Make sure there isn’t a twist in the belt. The grooved side should be touching the machine. Put the front of the machine back ensureing that the drum comes together with the front properly. Put back all screws and panels.
The final step is to put the belt onto the motor. Remove the cover on the back of the machine at groung level. You will see the 2 pulleys and motor drive. Use brute force to prise the pulleys apart. Put the belt onto the motor shaft with the belt grooves fitting into the shaft grooves. Release the pulleys so that the belt is between them. Replace cover and u are done. Simple when you know how (not!!).

Joe, February 2004
link Click here to see other fixes for Hotpoint.