I have just got a new vehicle for work, a combo DTI and it is restricted to 70mph. this is very frustrating when trying to overtake on the motorway. any ideas how to remove it?
to manny to gooders in this world you try restricting your car and see how much abuse you get and make your mind up then is its safe or not
simon c*appy van man, June 2010
check out this link, how different can a vivaro be..?! http://htdig.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/post/?t=57882
Jonathan, April 2008
Some one may well answer this but I suspect that if you remove the governor your insurance may well be invalid. That means that you are are driving without insuracne which is a criminal offence and is also what is known as an 'Absolute Offence' meaning that that you can't claim ignorance as a defence.