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9800 bf fault?

Got home from work and an alarm was going off but only inside the house.

The control panel was displaying bf so I entered the pin to cancel the alarm.

Read some posts on here and it all pointed the battery, took the battery out and got 12.5v which suggests the battery is fine for a 12 v battery.

Managed to reset it but then got sr (system reset - power failure)

Now the internal alarm is going off all the time.

Please help me I need some sleep!
Ian, November 2010
When i moved house i left my MX48 there, wish i hadnt, i have a 9800+ which is obviously better than a 9100, but to this day i think the 9100 is one of the best panels ever made, few would argue with that.
I have never been to a call out to a failed 9100, they seem to be updated because they need a graded system,
Superb panels

Nick, November 2010
I've got a 9100 in my house & with extension boards my garage & sheds too.

Have also used a couple of TS3 units switched by 3G110s

3rd hse its all been in, NEVER been a problem.

Also got Pulnix beams around the property operating lights & different buzzers along with contacted pedestrian & vehicle gates.

The lights of course are only there for my benefit if anything happens in the dark & if I'm there, the rest of the time they are only of help to 'Billy burglar' to see what he is doing.

Pet tolerant detectors, never, we restrict both the cat & dog, they soon got used to it.
(What's more important?)

It's amazing what can be done with a plug-on fully featured relay/signalling board and a little bit of thought. (and regular servicing) :-)

By the way I've been playing around in this business in one guise or another since 1971, so I do think I have an idea.

I'm told I don't suffer fools gladly, can't argue with that.
Perhaps that's why I have a 'pop' when I see the same stupid questions asked over & over again.

acorn, November 2010
i only have one left in my patch,and thats in a friends house,the 9100 i mean

gts, November 2010
I wonder if there are many Scantronic 9100s or MX48s out there still, I thought they were the nuts when they came out, Way ahead of their time. Installed a 9100 about 2 years ago for a friend, would love to get hold of another just as a piece of Alarm history.

Nick, November 2010
Well done Ian you listened, Shame about the Maplins battery though, My local Maplins store charges £36 for the Yuasa 7amp, whats that all about, The staff in their need to be lined up against a wall and shot, for their poor advice, 99% incorrect .
Well done GTS 37 years in the job, I do get fed up with the general public's stupid questions on here sometimes,
Ive checked my battery and its fine, Its 10 years old, I checked it with a multimeter,
BORING been down this road too many times, zzzzzzzzzz.
Im just glad i can type fast, answering all these questions.

Nick, November 2010
I got a battery yesterday £25 from Maplin, straight forward enough to swap over (it should be especially as I am an electrical engineer!)

All seems fine apart from I haven't been brave enought o set the alarm yet! Oh and also due to working last night I am one big tired baby ha!

Thanks for all your help guys, much appreciated!

Ian, November 2010
and for the uneducated out there,plebs -plebeian,the common people (latin)or as basil fawlty would say,the riff raff

gts, November 2010
give nick time alarm guy,then he will know why we get fed up ans same question time and time again,even acorn gets tired at times,we just try to help folks nick,
the 9800 panel as you know is very good,it tells the plebs what the problem is,but do they take heed? no,
they ask us,then just ignore our advice,as you have found,so little wonder we get a little bit annoyed at times,you know what it would cost to call us proffesionals out,we try save them the dosh,so i dont blame you or the rest of the guys for giving smart arsed replys,the plebs deserve it,merry xmas to you all ,(when it comes )

gts, November 2010
shall we have a league table guys,
gts 37 years in trade,
nick 27,
alarm guy ? acorn,?
its nearly xmas,time for a laugh :-)

gts, November 2010
awwwwwwwwwww Nick was so polite.
Then his answers went downhill.

OP, how did the new battery do?

Alarm, November 2010
why does no one beleive the poor 9800 panel when it tells them the problem????? it will get a complex :-)

gts, November 2010
Open the control panel, the tamper will operate & make a noise, enter your code to silence, remove the battery & take it with you.

On return, replace battery, close lid, enter code - done.

One thing, remember there is 240v inside the panel, also reconnect the battery correctly, RED lead to + & BLACK lead to -

acorn, November 2010
yes Ian, there is a way to silence the alarm untill you can replace it. Put the alarm into engineering mode, which you cant do yourself. This helps you not one bit.
Which is exactly what i did with one of my customers at 04.30am on Tuesday morning and i went back to bed untill it was time to get up,
PLEASE NOTE proffesional alarm panels are supposed to do this, they are designed to do this in a Scantronic. Honeywell Galaxy is slightly different as the mains light flashes untill you deal with it, Texecom Premier etc, These panels are regarded as the best in the industry, And if your reading this and thinking about having an alarm installed, expect to be quoted for this type of equipment.
Accenta, G3, Optima, stay well clear off.

Nick, November 2010
Is there a way to silent the alarm?

I know you won't post the answer on here for security reasons, just wondered! There was nowhere open in the middle of the night to buy a battery!

Off out now to try and source a battery

Thanks for all you advice guys


Ian, November 2010
Oooooops, Ian, the boy's right there. ;-)

acorn, November 2010
Nick, the boy's right there.

acorn, November 2010
Ian, you cannot check/ Test the condition of a rechargeable battery with a multi-meter, It is impossible, Engineers carry AN ACT battery tester £150 ish on line. Replace your battery and your troubles will be over, If you choose to ignore the advice, then i suggest you buy some very good ear plugs so you cant hear the internal sounder going off all the time. Your problem will get worse the longer you leave it without replacing the battery.
Nick engineer of 27 years experience
07842 480037

Nick, November 2010
" Managed to reset it but then got sr (system reset - power failure) "

That's because you removed the battery & turned off the Mains Supply.

The panel is only doing what it is designed to do as a direct result of the FAULTY battery & the removal of the MAINS SUPPLY at the SAME time.

sr = system reset - power failure

acorn, November 2010

12v is NO indication as to the state of the battery.

You NEED a NEW battery.

acorn, November 2010
link Click here to see other fixes for 9800.