remove top engine cover, remove negative battery cable....Remove EGR comes the hard part..on the top of the glowplugs there are 7mm nuts, remove these and move the wires out of the will need a10mm deep socket and 6 in extension, pref 1/4 in pray the glowplugs are not too tight, if so spray with penetrating oil and leave for at least a day, then try again. When removed ck them out individualy using the car battery, connect a heavy duty wire to the positive terminal, using a suitable pair of pliers, grond the 10mm hex part of the glowplug to the negative terminal, and at the same time touch the heavy duty cable from the positive side of the battery to the threaded part where the 7mm nut screws on. The end of the glowplug should get real hot almost immediatly...note...if the glowlug gets hot anywhere but on the end it is faulty, also if they are black they are faulty and should be replaced. Let me say that it is by far the smartest way to install all 4 glowplugs, they are not expensive, and it is definitly a job that you will not want to undertake twice.
jagmanaz, July 2011