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my ghd's are brokenand i haven't had them for a year?

i got my ghd's from www.beautysleuth.co.uk just after christmas and in august the light started to flicker and now they dont even heat up !!! do you think i could send them back or is it to late ??? if you can help me please email me : pink-lc@homail.com
laura, August 2006
hi there i can modify the lead for you for about £20 you can send the to me il fix them then post em back ..for more info contact me on mrfire@fsmail.net,sounds like a wire has detached itself from the printed circuit board ..i can take a look for ya

tony m, September 2006
might help if you explained what a "GHD" is. Is it a girlie hand dryer or what??

Gary, August 2006