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Auto-gearbox brakeband adjustments 1990 Transit Autosleeper 2.0ltr?

What are the forward & reverse gear brakeband adjustments on A6 automatic gearbox 4speed? Ford Transit model 100.From my recollection (slacken lock nut turn screw clockwise until it stops then unsrew 2 & half turns & tighten lock nut). Can anyone confirm this please?
P.Gater, January 2011
A4LD transmission, the band adjustments are for the overdrive and intermediate (2nd) bands. Count turns in till snug back off two turns. If they were slack then band worn. Do not over tighten as its for free running clearance. I'm guessing you have a judder/slip in Reverse and slide into 3rd, if so band adjustment will not cure it.

mags, January 2011
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