Accenta8 mini help?
Right where do I begin?!
I have an Accenta8 mini house alarm. My Dad accidently set off my alarm and didn't know how to turn the alarm off. After approx 30mins the alarm silenced and my dad thought nothing of it.
When I returned home I noticed the power was out on the control panel. I then researched why this was and how to should fix it. The answer seemed to be to 'power down' the system. This was simple enough and as hoped I had power to my control panel but as nothing is ever straight forward i now have other problems.
1) I can't set the alarm (it just constantly beeps as if it trying to set)
2) I can't do any testing on the alarm.
Dose anybody know what I have done and possibly how to fix it?
Neilreyn1984, January 2011