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the needle is down?

My sewing machine is jammed and the needle is down, I can't move the needle back up, I did get the bobbin out but is still jammed. what can I do? the manual doesn't say about what to do when the machine is jammed with the needle down. Please help me with this problem.
Ann, February 2011
Without seeing the machine all anyone can do is speculate.Thread in the race,I very much doubt it.Wd40,never unless the machine is "gunged up" with old oil & grease.Best advise,take your machine to a local repair shop & ask their advice,any descent engineer will advise at no charge.Once you have had the nature of the problem confirmed then you will be in a better position to ask for help & provide the relevant information needed.Good luck.

Ben, February 2011
Hello Ann, you have not said if the machine is mechanical or computerized, I take it that the machine is mechanical and it sounds like you have thread jammed in the raceway, you need to force the balance wheel backwards to begin with to try and free the machine, if that does not work you need to take out the raceway area and check.

ken, February 2011
Hello, is the machine seized? it could be dry so spray the hook(where the bobbon fits) with a little wd40,this should free it up, if not then the timing maybe out.
try it and let me know.

John Hembry., February 2011