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how do i fix my hoover vacuum cleaner?

i have the simple hoover. no extras, just a hoover upright with a removable tool rack... i bought it for a great price and im wondering if that was a bad idea. i was vacuuming one day and i dont know if i sucked something up but, all of a sudden the motor became 10 times louder. it is still sucking things up perfectly fine but the noise is unbearable. i live on the top floor of my building and people on the first floor (three flights down) say they can hear it. its so loud i cant even have the thing turned on for more than thiry seconds. is it repairable and worth it ? or should i just junk it and buy a new one for 50 bucks?
danielle waugh, March 2004
Amazing-- exact same problem. I'm also on top floor, and neighbors worry about me when I use it! I'm taking it apart this weekend regardless. Can't handle the noise, even if it does the job.

Andy, August 2005
I'm having the EXACT same problem, but when I took it all apart, the fan is still in there, intact. Any ideas what else it could be?


Jamie, June 2004
The fan is broken. Replace it for about $10 if you do it yourself

Laurie B, April 2004
link Click here to see other fixes for Hoover Upright.