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how can i mend low water pressure?

i have a baxi combi range 105e of which the water pressure has dropped to zero. I have advised it should be on between 1-2.5, how do i build this back up?
steven knight, August 2006
you need to find the cold water service in to your boiler . this will normaly be via a filling loop which has a valve to allow water flow to be opened and closed. fill (by opening this valve) to the required pressure (then close it) then bleed system via radiators (using a radiator key)( bleeding is simply allowing any air to escape the presurised closed system) , when bleed through is compleet then top up pressure if it has droped slightly. refer to lighting instructions on your boiler and be warm then have a beer as a reward!!!

scott, December 2007
hi, there should be a filling loop or at least two tap type connections on the cold feed and central heating return pipes. This will be where to fill it up.

Paul, September 2006
link Click here to see other fixes for Baxi 105E.