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Speedfight 2, immobilizer problem?

My daughter's Speedfight 2 runs on idle but no rev's.

Something wrong with the cdi box and immobilizer. I tried to re-program the keys but no success. What to do next? Where to buy a cdi box without immobilizer (which type fits) to try the programming?

Running out of ideas.
Timo, September 2006
the lot of you responding to these immoboliser problems all havent really got a clue sorry to ill only ever type this once on the net and that place is solve all your problems with crappy peugeot scooters you need to! get your stator assembly and cdi unit and throw them as far away as possible.then find a old honda vision stator/cdiunit and wire them in instead and then some minor alterations to your ignition wires.bobs yer uncle n fannys yer auntie plus the bike will be alot quicker if u do it right.most of all the best advice i can offer on this make of bike is DONT BUY ONE!!!!!! cos theyre sh*te!, June 2008
thank's guys. I didn't notice your comment until now. I already purchased 2 CDI boxes and tried to wire them etc (there is another question that I made about the current problem).

Programming of the original CDI box failed propably because there was no voltage coming from the battery to the box...

Timo, October 2006

good luck


w, September 2006
p.s its a hell of alot cheaper than the original one from peugeot :)

adam again again !!!, September 2006
ok i would suggest you need to get a new one try a company called (pm tuning) they do a replacement one without the immobiliser built in so it will get rid of the stupid thing that peugeot put on them, i think ?

adam again!, September 2006
...and no success. Several attempts and different sequences and still the engine riúns only on idle. I think the CDI needs to be changed.


Timo, September 2006
I'll try that once more....

Timo, September 2006
it sounds like the key needs to be coded to the immobiliser need to turn off all surrounding radio equipment,then put both keys lets say at the back of the bike take the black key turn on ignition switch for 5 secs then turn off put key at the back again get the red key turn ignition on for 5 secs then repeat again with the black key.then leave it alone for a minute with both keys away from the bike and try to start it with the black key.if this doesnt work then the cdi/immobiliser unit is faulty ok.adam

adam bike doctor, September 2006
link Click here to see other fixes for Speedfight 2.