This isn't really much of an answer. More of a huge THANK YOU for the question, for the sponsors of this forum, and especially for the reply. My Bissell Pro Heat has been sitting in the closet for a couple years b/c after one of the first few uses it quit spraying on the floor. I was ready to take it out to the curb just to get it out of the closet, but decided to give fixing it one more try. Bissell customer service, of course, just told me to take it to my nearest service center. However, using this tip, I found that my heater box was clogged up, preventing water flow. When I removed the intake and exhaust hoses I found that I had to use a small (1/16") drill bit to clear out some of the gunk that had been setting up over the years. Be careful not to drill too far, and make sure the unit is unplugged from the electrical outlet. I then used a can of compressed air to finish the cleanup job. I'm back in business now. Only took a few minutes. THANKS again!
Lee, December 2006