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My caravan has a leak at the front strip?

How do I repair it. The leak has come in and soaked the top ply shelf on the interior. Can I repair it myself? and if so what sealant and bond should I use to repair it with?
David, June 2011
Yes its easy.
Tube frame filler / mastic White or clear
Skeleton gun for applying it.
Masking tape to ensure failry straight line.
Clean and dry surface.
Apply masking tape as straight as you can leaving a gap between the tape and strip about 3/8"
DON'T cut the mastic dispensing tip leave is so only thin bead of mastic comes out.
Run the gun gently squeezing the trigger applying the mastic in to the gap between tape and strip.
Be ready to whack the small stop leaver behind it to stop mastic flow. Wet your finger or use wet dowel run it down the bead of mastic. Remove the masking tape straight after applying the mastic. Don't leave it until the mastic sets or you could pull off some or all mastic.

Bob, June 2011