i tri hama fing doan got sluge tri rola scate. stil da fing doan werk. e luk wel bugad now wyf no apie noappie tall wotek i do naw? shee beeg buga norl, fink tri maen dela/ ok fixxit a?
mrTard, July 2011
da fing on da foor neads ajuding ,ust it it wif da hama but nut to hard mr r e tard .da sledge wil do
mr bodger, July 2011
mr glosh da fing u sa innit hewpful no? i searis wan it fix. telme cen u fixxit a?
mr Tard, July 2011
I take it, to put it your own words, that "Da fing onna flor doan werk no mor telme issit brokded" is your brain, and no, it can't be fixed, so it's back to the funny farm for you.
Galosh, July 2011
Check if its still breathing. If not, you can get a replacement from your local dog rehoming centre. Best not to mention the last one.