It is a self bleeding kit on replacement of the concentric slave cylinder prime the clutch pedal at least 100 times. If it does not prime and there is no bleed nipple. Using an assistant bleed the system as follows clamp off the flexihose leading to the slave cylinder and remove the clip securing the pipe into the slave cylinder. Connect a piece of pipe onto the end of the pipe so that it is air tight and put the other end into a jar / container with enough brake fluid to cover the end of the pipe. Release the clamp on the flexihose have the assistant press down and hold down the clutch pedal, refit the clamp on the flexihose, release the clutch pedal under pressure (It may need pulling up slightly) then continue the above until all air is expelled from the pipe work (remembering to insure that the master cylinder is kept topped up). Once the air has been expelled leave on the flexihose clamp reconnect the pipe to the slave cylinder and secure with the clip and prime the clutch pedal again with 100 times. Haypresto it should work. If it has not you have a problem with the master cylinder / slave cylinder or clutch
arizona kid, July 2011
think you have to remove the clip from the slave cyl.hose,pull the pipe out about 1/4 ``,press pedal,push pipe in,pedal up,pull out pipe again press pedal and so on,etc