Yes it’s doable just a bit messy, I have just fixed our ABI 380 2 birth, it’s our first van and I got it from a dealer really didn’t know what I was looking at got stitched up big time, anyway coroners of both front top rail and centre roof join were leaking, I took off the rail cleaned and resealed it now it’s drying out I found it obviously been bodged as the screws were rusted steel and they had also used a few nails!, it will need some interior panel work doing but that will be for the winter. Top things I found that you will need to follow are.
1) Cleaning joint and rail, used white spirit then meth’s or Acetone, reason is white sprit leave a film than mastic wont stick to. Be very careful with Acetone it’s highly flammable and can attack some paints and plastic it also makes rubber brittle if contact is to long wiping with a rag soaked in it is ok, but unlike meth’s it doesn’t leave a thin layer moister behind.
2) Electric drivers are a godsend but use a hand driver to bed down screws.
3) Make sure you have some form of wood plug to push into screw hole, I found the new stainless self tapping screws were a bugger to bed in, next time I will use a good countersunk wood screw as they have better deeper threads, Screwfix do a really good one called Turbo ultra and it’s made from stainless steel.
4) Make sure that when you reattach the rail you have everything to hand, screws drivers rag tissue etc as it has to be done in one go.
5) Don’t worry about applying to much mastic if you get mastic coming out from behind the rail then this means you have a good very coverage. Better to much than to little.
6) Before putting screw back in mastic the threads all along the screw.
7) REMEMBER Mastic dries unlike the grey putty you get on a roll, the hotter the weather the faster you will have to work.
8) Keep a good eye on the weather have plastic sheet and tape incase you need to cover up work in the event of rain, use electrical type tape rather than Gaffa tap and I found it doesn’t come off easily and leaves it’s sticky back on your van body and is a bugger to get off
9) Don’t do it on your own get help and explain what you are going to do before refitting the rail, it’s got to be well planned out.
10) Do a dry run to make sure rail is up the right way and all things match up before you apply mastic as you don’t want to take it off and re-do it trust me!.
11)Use proper mastic, I used the Sikaflex 512 caravan sealer as recomended by people on here.
Mellish, July 2009