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Firebird Reillo - Airlock fixed but no heat coming to rads?

Hi there,
My tank ran out of oil and airlocked my system. Got tank filled and have bled the boiler as normal. When I switch on the system it fires for 20-30 seconds then stops, and repeats. The pipes in the boiler are all hot and the pipe leaving the boiler is hot, however the rads are cold! Can somebody help please?
Michael H, September 2011
Running out of oil in no way will cause an airlock in the water side of the boiler. They are completely different parts, only connected by the thermostat "calling for heat". Check the circ pump and also the room stat, failing that I would suggest get an expert in to have a look before the cold weather.

Jim the Boilerman, September 2011
link Click here to see other fixes for Firebird.