Buy the 2 part adhesive from any good caravan spares dealer (about £30). Lift carpet: Buy a packet of wooden dowels from a DIY shop (about 1/4" diam). Drill holes the correct size for the dowells at about 2" intervals over the surface of the floor that is spongy: THOROUGHLY mix entire contents of the two tins in a clean container. (Don't try and part mix.. in must be accurate proportions and it won't keep after it has been opened anyway). Inject the glue with the plastic syringe (provided with the glue), and when it starts coming out of the next hole push a dowel in flush to the floor. Continue until all the holes are plugged. Lay some polythyene over them (to prevent bonding) and place a heavy weight(breeze blocks, gas cylinder etc) and allow to set. Ensure as much ventilation as possible, try not to get the 'glue' where it's not wanted(you won't remove it when it's set). It's not as complicated as people make out..I've done 4 vans with no problems apart from my first one when nobody told me about the polythene sheet and I BONDED a breeze block to the kitchen floor. (But you don't do that twice !!)
Rod, November 2011